October 31, 2018 / Travel Tips

A scaring Giant

Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s talk about Mountain Vesuvius, the most famous and dangerous volcano of the world. 

It reigns over the Gulf of Naples.

Every year millions of tourists come to Naples to visit the (apparently) good Giant.

But, let’s go back in time. 

The most famous eruption of the mountain Vesuvius traces back to 79 A.C. which destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculanum, Oplonti and Stabia.

This eruption was reported by a Roman historical who experienced himself the eruption: Plinio the Younger. This eruption, in fact, has been renamed “Plinian Eruption”.

The Vesuvius has erupted many other times but with less effort, until the last eruption in 1944 which destroyed again the major part of the Southern Italy. After this one, The Vesuvius fell asleep.

Today, our Giant is covered by vineyards and woods.

In 1995 “Vesuvius National Park” arose at the centre of Vesuvius. It houses more than 600 species of plants and vegetables and about 200 species of animals.

Because of, or maybe, thanks to the many and old eruptions of Vesuvius, the ground of Vesuvius, perennially wet and full of minerals, has given rise  to some local products with a high request not only from Neapolitan population.

The main Neapolitan products are: Piennolo tomatoes, the wine Lacryma Christi and apricots.

Source of wealth or monster to fear?

According to the theorists, if the Vesuvius would ever blow up, it will be a disaster.

However, thanks to the continue studies in the Vesuvian observatory (started as the first volcanological observatory in Europe), it is said that people will be alerted in time.

We should just wait…

Anyway, in the meantime, come here and enjoy together with us the amazing view from the most feared Mountain of the world.

At 1000 metres we can start our climb to reach the cratere. And, believe me, the view from over there is really breathtaking. If you're lucky and you’ll climb Vesuvius during a windless day, our Friend, to remember you that it is active, it will spill some little clouds of smoke from its massive volcanic rocks with a bad smell of sulfur.

Ah, I almost forgot! Before starting to the climb, take a picture of the Valley of Giant with its Big Nose Tip and then tell me if that doesn’t seems to be a tip of a nose in a big face of a giant.

Ornella Donatellis
