October 1, 2018 / Travel Tips

Walking on history

Have you ever heard, at least one time, of Pompeii? 

Let’s start with the famous Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 a.C. which involved the total destruction of the cities of Pompeii, Herculanum and Castellammare di Stabia, which were covered by metres and metres of lava, especially the city of Pompeii.

The excavations, started in 1748, have brought to light a series of evidence: terracotta vases, rooms of houses and shops, but the most unbelievable thing has been the discovery of human and animals skeletons, which can be seen today at Pompei Ruins.

A city with a Roman map, which means a precise and regular city planning, which provides the presence of two leading streets: “Decuman” and “Hinge” which cross themselves to form a right angle in the centre of which there is the Forum.

The “Decuman”, the axis which goes from East to West, is also known as Via Dell'Abbondanza (or street of abundance), for the presence of a huge fountain next to a cornucopia, symbol of abundance or prosperity.

The other secondary streets, Hinges, follows one another in the opposite sense and, inside them there are houses, shops, and even uninhabited buildings for huge cities and few inhabitants living in them.

The Forum is the city centre, the square in which justice was managed, place of meetings and where there was the temple for the urban ritual. Hence the heart of the city.

Pompeii is unique all over the world.

But that’s not all! There is also an intriguing Pompeii, the “Lupanare” one ( from the latin “Lupe” which meant “Whore”).

In the ancient Roman cities, these were the places committed to the mercenary sexual pleasure. They were real brothels.

Pompeii is without any doubt the most ambitious destination by tourists, who, once they land in Naples, decide to visit one of the most important cultural site among the world heritage.

I can discuss about Pompeii for hours, but I end it up here giving you an advice.

Take your backpack, comfortable shoes, an umbrella which protects you from sun rays and start your adventure.

It’s time to become the real protagonist of this incredible experience!